The Swords of September 2023


Swordtember is a yearly event much like the critically acclaimed inktober, wherein instead of drawing with ink for the duration of the month, the focus is mainly on swords! Being a portmanteau of the words SWORD and SEPTEMBER, it is an artistic challenge where designers, illustrators, creators, and imagineers create a unique sword every day for the entire month, oftentimes following a list of themes to help give influence and direction.

Instead of just designing the swords, I also decided to illustrate my characters alongside them! Each character comes from a different narrative of mine. The entire breadth of the project even spans multiple conceptual worlds and paracosmos I’ve developed.

30 Swords for 30 Days

30 Swords for 30 Days

I’ve compiled all of my work into a fun little PDF shortbook that is up for free on my website! The book includes all 30 days of character and sword designs. In the future I’ll be releasing a fully realized edition with the added bonus of some conceptual sketches, simple comics, and encyclopedic elaboration on each character and some of their relationships.

Below are some of the pieces created for the project.